Lorna Jacob


Hi, I’m Lorna!

I’m a software developer currently living in New Zealand Aeoteroa.

I started coding back when I was in high school when I learned HTML and CSS from my computer class. Then myspace.com (RIP) became popular and I spent nights and days learning how to make my profile cool by embedding glittery gifs, playing background music when my page opens, showing a nicely stretched background image, having a custom mouse pointer, and of course showing a marquee text. :D

After graduating high school, I studied Information Technology and my first year was all about C++. The compiler back then is just in MSDOS, no fancy GUI, no IDE, no anything. Albeit, I enjoyed learning the basics of programming and solving problems using code.

Fast forward to my internship outside school, I got a job as a software developer from a Fortune 500 company. From then on, my journey as a software developer in the real world progressed. I worked on software products that are used by real people in real life. I am proud of my craft and enjoy the endless learning I get from doing my work.